D.A.V. Public School, Shoghi

Affiliated to C.B.S.E. Industrial Area, Shoghi, Shimla - 171219

Our Vision  
Our vision is to help our students achieve academic excellence while they grow into a community of well rounded, thinking individuals. A spirit of cooperation and mutual respect will exist among the students and teachers. To educate our children not merely for living  but for life. A life lived should be meaningful, positive and propelling towards the intending goal. Children under our guidance could aim for the so called impossible, build a strong  willpower which would give them the strength to achieve, ”To fight for the right without question or cause. To be willing to march into hell for a heavenly cause”. 


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D.A.V. Public School
Shoghi,The Shimla - 171219

E-mail : davpsshoghi@gmail.com


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